ViBO Music Admin Guidelines
Guideline for opening/closing
- Show up at least 15mins before the first lesson of the day.
- Door, alarm, lights, A/C (always fan on), turn on computer, open register (cash count), music, TV.
- Check voice mails, check Emails.
- Check classrooms – Tidy up, music stand, chairs, markers/erase, wipe off piano keys.
- Check other common areas to make sure things are clean and presentable
- Closing: Take out Garbage, tidy up rooms and common areas, close register (cash count, if total above $200, notify Victor), turn off computer, music, TV, A/C, light. Set alarm (for SB) and lock up.
Guideline for communicating with walk-in potential clients / Signing up FMS
- Greeting, ask info about the student (For themselves or their kids? What Instruments? Age and experience).
- Brief tour.
- Obtain the students’ availability. If there’s an instant match with a teacher, skip to step 6.
- Decide which teacher to schedule to. There should be a priority list of teachers’ availability for each location. If not sure, please check with other admins or Victor
- Contact the potential teacher. If confirms, go confirm with the student. If not, move on to the next potential teacher. Tell teachers we will confirm when the student confirms.
- When the student confirms, ask them to sign up for First Month Special from If you’re handling a paid FMS, please move to the next step.
- After both teacher and student confirm (and fee is collected), we put the lesson(s) to teachworks. For FMS entries, please make sure to indicate FMS 1 of 4, FMS 2 of 4, etc. and put “TENTATIVE” place holder afterward. Here is an example: – IN PERSON FMS (4/4) Erzsebet Ziegler Guitar Lessons (30).
- If you make change to a recurring event, please put your initials (Ex. <VL>) at the end of the lesson description, to the first-time occurrence.
- For potential students who sign up online, they usually already pay, and provide sufficient info for us to find them a teacher. Keep in mind that lessons confirmed when both teachers and students confirm!
- Add this student to our email list by following Guidelines for Updating ViBO Email List
Guideline for Signing up Students to the Regular Program
- Follow this guideline when there’s a sample lesson or FMS 4 of 4 on your shift
- After the lesson, ask if the student wants to continue. If yes, give them the policy form and credit card form to fill out. Explain the policies, including the annual registration fee charging and the 30-day termination policy. Inform the teacher and add them to teachworks.
- Students can also confirm online. Please see “Email to parents for online sign up confirmation” at the bottom.
- If we don’t get an immediate confirmation, we will follow up with them for two more times – 3 or 4 days afterward, and a week later. If you don’t work 3 or 4 days later, send an email so other admins can follow up.
- If a student is not confirmed after 2 weeks, remove the tentative place holder
- Keep in mind that lessons confirmed when both teachers and students confirm!
- Please charge the student immediately when they confirm, following Guidelines for tuition charging. Don’t forget to charge registration fee.
Guideline for Updating ViBO Email List
- We should keep our email list as current as possible, so we will add an entry when a new email address is given – usually occur when a FMS form is received.
- Go to: Login is, password is Vibo2022!
- Click on All Contacts on the left. Then click on Add Contacts drop down menu. Select Add a Subscriber
- Enter the email address. Select an instrument of study. Check the checkboxes about permission at the bottom of the form, then hit Subscribe
Guideline for tuition charging
- Click on a lesson, press View
- Press student’s name. If this student is part of a family (most cases), press the Family name.
- Scroll down to the Invoice section, press “Create Invoice”
- In Create Invoice, select today’s date in Due Date. In the Service drop-down menu, select Lesson by Date. Select the appropriate date range, then press Go.
- To charge additional items manually, select “Add Charge” in Service, then input the charge. Typical charges include purchased merchandises, and Annual Registration Fee (Jan – June: $40, July – Sept: $30, Oct-Dec: $20). We charge annual reg fee in January, and for new regular students.
Guideline for rescheduling or request to miss a lesson
- In general, we don’t give make-up or credit for a missed lesson
- In special cases (sickness, family emergency), we will reschedule with teacher’s approval if teacher’s schedule allows, as a one-time courtesy. Make-up lessons can be in the form of online lessons.
- Please don’t issue credit without management approval. To issue the credit, follow Guidelines for issuing lesson credits / tuition refund
Guideline for updating teachworks with substitute teachers
- Go to the schedule of the regular teacher, click on the first lesson, then press Edit
- In Lesson Description, put “SUB SUB_TEACHER_NAME” at the end. For example “IN PERSON Candace Chen Violin Lessons (30) Sub. Milda”
- In Teacher, change from the regular teacher to the substitute teacher, then press Submit
- Repeat step 2 & 3 for all lessons that need subbing.
- If there are online lessons on the schedule, please send the regular teacher’s zoom login to the substitute, and the sub. will host the lesson from the regular teacher’s zoom account. All teachers share the same zoom password. You can find the zoom login info in the lower portion of this page.
Guideline for students requesting a longer time off
- We offer Leave of Absence (LOA) to students for 1 week during March/April (spring break) and 3 weeks during summer June-August. LOA means we hold the student’s spot without charging them. We need 2-week of advanced notice. Make sure to inform the teacher(s).
- If students request time off during the other months, the general protocol is to give them two options: Continue paying and reserve the time slot. Or withdraw from the program, and set up the schedule when they resume.
- Also check with the teachers, because sometimes they rather keep the students and reserve the spot for them, especially if the students’ time-off request is a month or less.
Guideline for marking “Leave of Absence” on teachworks
- Click on the lesson, press Edit.
- Change student name to LOA. Add the word “LOA” to the beginning of the lesson title. Change teacher name to NoONE. Change Service to “Leave of Absence.” This way, both students and teachers won’t get lesson reminders, and students won’t get charged, or will get credit for their absent lesson(s).
Guideline for issuing lesson credits / tuition refund
- Turn the lesson into LOA, following Guidelines for marking “Leave of Absence” on teachworks
- Go to the invoice where the lesson credit occurs, you should see a red flat about the deletion. Click on “Issue Credit & Hide Flags.”
- In the “Create credit note” page, verify the amount, then press “Approve.”
- This credit will be prompted to apply in the student’s next invoice.
- In some cases, when we need to issue an immediate refund, please send me Victor the invoice number, the refund amount and the reason for refund.
Guideline for adding students to a recital
- All recital participants need to fill out the recital form online. We usually email the link to parents ahead of time, and it also can be found from
- The recital time slots can be found on teachworks under Victor’s schedule, just regular classes
- When you receive a recital form (usually forwarded from Victor), please add the student on teachworks to the recital time slot that they choose.
Guidelines for updating product price labels
- Check that the product is listed in Lightspeed with the correct price and UPC code.
- UPC code should be on the actual merchandise label. If not, just Google “ UPC code” ( is pretty accurate)
- Open Avery Design and open project titled “Product Price Tags” (, see login info below). Double check that the new product doesn’t have an already existing tag
- Go to the LAST SHEET, select the next available blank/duplicate tag, and make sure you’re set to ‘EDIT ONE’ or you’ll edit all existing tags
- Edit the product name, price, and UPC code. Then include 3-4 details about the product such as specs and special features (Sweetwater is great for info, Google is your best friend)
- To print the tags — Save the design edits, click ‘Step 4: Preview’, then ‘View my PDF proof’. Print TWO COPIES and under ‘Pages’, select ‘custom’ and set the parameters to THE LAST COMPLETED SHEET. Do not print incomplete/in progress sheets, it’s just a waste of ink and paper 😛
- Once printed, double check the barcode scans the correct product and price on Lightspeed. Cut out along dotted lines and insert two tags, back-to-back into the vinyl tag holder + attach to the product 😀
Password:Vibo music
Email to parents for online sign up confirmation:
Dear _____,
Thank you for your confirmation!
Please visit here for tuition info and policy: We charge tuition monthly to your credit card. There’s an annual student registration fee of $40. Please finalize the registration by doing these two steps:
- Sign the student policy form:
- Go to:, log into your account (if you forget the password, please press “reset password”). After login, go to billing -> Credit cards -> add card.
Please let me know for any questions. Please confirm when it’s done. Thank you!
ViBO Music
Guideline for checking online form entries
1. Go to:
2. User name: vibostaff. Password:
3. On the left menu, click on “Forms,” then click on “Form” again in the sub-menu
4. In the search box, type in whatever form you’re looking for. For instance, if you need FMS entries, type “first.” If you need camp allegro entries, type “camp.”
5. Move your mouse to the title of the form, and click on “entries.” You’ll then see the entries of the form
Guideline for invoicing pre-paid lessons